Our personal relationships affect how secure, happy and fulfilled we feel with out lives. An unhappy or difficult relationship can lead to depression, anxiety, general neurosis, anger, can negatively affect our work, cause difficulties in coping with our children, and cause deeply painful feelings of rejection, humiliation, anger and loneliness. If you are finding it hard to cope with the difficulties in your relationship, would like to improve your relationship or find a way to end your relationship but just can’t do it, relationship counselling will be of great help to you

Relationship Counselling can be very helpful in finding out what are the root causes behind why your relationship isn’t working. You can explore what is happening in your relationship: why for example you are feeling so unhappy, or why you can’t stop arguing with your partner, why you feel unable to perform sexually with your partner, why you feel unheard and mis-understood. Counselling can help you notice the themes and patterns of behaviour in your relationship, how each of you have your own part to play in how you interact together and the consequences of your reactions to each other. Childhood issues will be looked at too as they inform how we relate to each other as adults and this can be a very helpful way of enabling each person to see how our issues can dove-tail together negatively and if made conscious, the relationship can be transformed.
Counselling can also help you if you are going through a break-up, divorce, affairs, jealousy, commitment issues, intimacy issues, power struggles, abuse, or are unable to communicate with each other.

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