Depression affects many people. Sometimes it can have a short duration and in other cases becomes chronic and more serious. Symptoms of depression can include a general low feeling, low self-esteem, irritability, lack of motivation, difficulties concentrating, insomnia, suicidal thoughts, inability to relate to others, social withdrawal, loss of appetite or eating too much, lack of sex drive, and little or no ability to take pleasure in anything. Depression can also lead to difficulties at work and in relationships.

Counselling and psychotherapy can be very helpful in establishing the cause of why you feel depressed. It can offer ways to manage these painful and sometimes frightening feelings. Psychotherapy is able to help you to explore the immediate causes of your depression such as the break-up of a relationship or loss of a loved one, stress caused by work, financial difficulties, bullying, feelings of sexual inadequacy, or whatever they are. It can also help uncover and heal the underlying reasons for the depressive response.

What is Counselling and Psychotherapy for Depression?

Counselling and psychotherapy can be very helpful in establishing the root cause of why you feel depressed, lacking in motivation and suffering low self-esteem, and can offer ways to manage these painful and sometimes frightening feelings. Counselling can help you to explore the causes of your depression such as the break-up of a relationship or loss of a loved one, stress caused by work, financial difficulties, bullying, feelings of sexual inadequacy, tendency to worry a lot and low-self esteem.

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